Microwave Therapy of the Prostate

This is an office procedure used to treat symptomatic benign prostatic hypertrophy. These minimally invasive treatments are performed in the office under local anesthesia.

This procedure is designed for male patients that have difficulty voiding, with frequency, urgency, hesitancy, and slow urinary stream. In this procedure, a catheter is placed in the patient, that allows a microwave antenna is positioned within the prostate that allows heat to destroy the hyperplastic prostatic tissue. This procedure may be used in place of an operation on the prostate.

Patient Instructions

  1. Please take the prescribed medications as directed the day of the procedure. These medications will make the procedure easier for you.
  2. After the procedure you will have a catheter (tube) placed in your bladder. This tube usually stays in place 1 to 3 days.
  3. One (1) to three (3) after the procedure you must be seen in the office for follow up.
  4. You can expect some blood in your urine for 3 to 7 days after the procedure. This is normal.
  5. You cannot expect the final improvements in your voiding for several months.

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We consider ourselves to be leaders in the field of urology, having brought ESWL to South Florida, and presently are performing more Robotic procedures than any practice in South Florida.


7400 SW 87th Ave. #240
Miami, FL 33173

941 N Krome Ave
Homestead, FL 33030